
Who is Fishing Tackle Forum

We love to Fish & Test New Products in the fresh water industry.

We love to Fish & Test New Products in the freshwater industry. Welcome to Fishing Tackle Forum, a community of passionate fishermen dedicated to testing, reviewing, and promoting the latest and greatest in freshwater fishing gear and techniques.

Since our founding in 2004, our platform has evolved to become a hub for all things fishing. We provide valuable feedback and information about fishing equipment, baits, techniques, fish recipes, tips and tricks, and reviews of fishing products. We cover a wide range of fishing styles and preferences, including spinning rod setups, bait casters, inline, youth equipment, and more.

At Fishing Tackle Forum, our specialties extend beyond product promotion:

  • Community Engagement: We're fostering a digital fishing community, creating connections, sharing insights, and building relationships.
  • Youth and Inclusive Fishing Advocacy: We support programs like C.A.S.T. for Kids, Cops and Bobbers, and Fishing Futures, working to introduce youth and all demographics to the sport of fishing.
  • Local and Seasonal Expertise: From local tournaments to seasonal guides, we keep you informed about regional opportunities and trends.
  • Fishing Conservation and Sustainability: We advocate responsible fishing practices, partnering with eco-friendly brands and offering education on conservation.
  • Product Innovation Collaboration: We collaborate with small fishing manufacturers, giving exposure and supporting innovation in the industry.
  • Affiliate Marketing and Brand Partnerships: Our partnerships extend to affiliate marketing, promoting products we believe in and using our platform to help small businesses in the fishing industry succeed and grow.

We believe in giving back, promoting inclusivity, and embracing innovation within the fishing community. Our leadership team, including William Rock, the founder, and Brian Wright, our CEO, shares a passion for fishing and a commitment to building a community that supports the sport and its enthusiasts.

Thank you for visiting Fishing Tackle Forum. Whether you're an angler looking for the latest gear, a manufacturer seeking exposure, or someone curious about the joys of fishing, we hope you'll find our platform a valuable resource for all your freshwater fishing needs.

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